Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers day

New day New Blog!
I was awoken this morning with a call from my first born son ,Jason who likes to be called JD .His middle name is Denver after his Grandfather, Not John Denver,but Denver Cox,although looking back he could be named after John Denver because he loved his style he would go to sleep with ( YOU WAKE UP MY SENSES) on the radio at the age of 12 years old and i would go into panic mode, Thinking Oh my God not yet PLEASE , years have passed and he is making his own way very well , any way it was so good to hear his voice early this morning saying HAPPY MOTHERS Day,Only a mother could know!!Started me off great Then a call from my #3 son Jeremy by way of his Son my Grandson Zane saying Happy Muthers day he is almost three,what a joy to hear, we talked for awhile then Jeremy was on the phone sending his love to me .What a joy to be a mom ,so after that i passed the love on to my Mom who is 82 she was brought to my house for a dinner and sleep over by my sis Brenda and Tom my brother-in law after they had a nice brunch with mom.Then i touched base with Rebbecca my first born ,we talk every day and she sent me beautiful live red rose house plant yesterday i called her and she said NO I SHOULD CALL YOU ON MOTHERS DAY , But I couldn't wait you see we are on different time zones she is in WA and I am in Md. so three hours difference in time .It was so wonderful to talk with all of my rug rats in one day .A Mothers joy is to connect with her adult childern and just know everything is OKAY,Happy Mothers day to all the mothers out there---Later


Cheryl said...

Sneaking a blog in without telling me? I'm so excited about this! We can be blogging friends, along with being co-workers.

I love your artwork...I had no idea! Can I come visit sometime and see your paintings in person?

Have a great, though rainy, Monday!

Becca said...

Whooo-hoooo, mom you got a comment other than me! See, I told you people would start checking out your blog...just give it time. :)
I love you!